Some Days
Some days you feel like you’re doing it all right and you have found your true calling,
Some days feel like they go on forever, and you can’t figure out anything.
Some days you’re killing it as a Mom, and your kid is on top of the world,
Some days, you have to call in your village because you genuinely need help to keep it together.
Some days things happen that break your heart, and you feel like you will never be whole again,
Some days you see or feel something that you know without a doubt was God’s presence holding you when you thought all hope was lost.
No matter what your days look like, and while our struggles may be different, we all have them.
No life is perfect, no matter how it may appear…..
Stay strong, my friend, and value the highs and lows every day.
One day you may just look back and realize some of those days were the best and most cherished of your life.