Push Through The Dirt
If you know me, you know I LOVE flowers. I love them so much; I made a career out of it. There's just something about seeing things grow, sprouting up from seemingly nowhere at all -- it's as close to magic as love is. Well, pretty close to it, anyway.
What gets me about flowers and gardening is the feeling that no matter how dirty you get putting that plant in the ground and no matter how many roots you have to cut away to dig that hole, something beautiful still comes from it. These flowers don't start with pedigrees, Mom or Dad's money, well-known last name, nothing- yet they still grow into something beautiful.
How cool is it to think about that, not just with gardening but with life? Unfortunately, social media has what I like to call the "no dirt" filter to make us think that all these people are living these "dirt-free" perfect lives. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but it's the dirt that makes you grow and gives you the solid foundation to build upon.
Like those flowers, all the growth and development happen underground when that dirt is packed on. The dirt gives you the strength and nutrients to push through to something more beautiful. Steve Harvey has several motivational speeches about dirt, and in one line, he says, "You have to have dirt on you to grow into what God has for you." Amen, Mr. Harvey, Amen!
I don't know about you, but I didn't grow up with money. Don't get me wrong; my parents worked their rear ends off to ensure I had what I needed and could experience as much as possible, but we had dirt. That hard work/dirt taught me so much. It taught me you had to work for the things you wanted. It taught me you had to be determined and keep pushing through whatever obstacle you faced. It taught me that life wasn't easy, but it sure is worth it.
Every Flower Must Go Through Dirt
So, take it in stride when life throws a little bit of dirt your way. When people are gossiping about you, let them talk. When people try to tell you your dreams aren’t realistic, keep on dreaming. When your bosses don’t appreciate you, keep doing your best. When the pettiness and jealously are thrown your way, keep on shining.
When life tries to put you down, keep standing tall…No matter what dirt is thrown your way, catch that mess and store it. All this dirt builds a foundation for something beautiful to sprout up from. Once you start to recognize these things for what they are, you start to understand how to use them to turn around and make them into something more substantial.
So from one flower-loving soul to another…Let's Get Dirty & Plant Something Beautiful With Our Life